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Blog Best Practices

Best Practices
Unlock the Power of IT and OT Convergence with Centreon

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, the convergence of Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) is more critical than ever. Businesses need a unified approach to manage and monitor their diverse technology ecosystems. Centreon offers ...

Best Practices
IT & OT Convergence: The Importance of Monitoring Non-IT Equipment

Monitoring IT equipment is standard practice in our digital age. But today, we’re delving into a relatively less explored area: monitoring non-IT equipment – particularly operational technology (OT) and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Why ...

Best Practices
Geographical vs operational views: how to implement the right type of views for OT equipment monitoring?

In a span where networks, OT equipment, and sites are growing at an exponential rate, visibility becomes a prime concern. When you are confronted with monitoring thousands of devices scattered across multiple sites, a real-time, ...

Best Practices
Centreon’s seamless integration with OT environments: enhancing monitoring capabilities across industries

In the age of digital transformation, innovative User Experience requires interactions with non-IT devices in the physical world. Industrial control systems (ICS) have evolved, and they are now increasingly connected to Business Applications in the ...

Best Practices
Navigating the unique challenges of Operational Technology (OT) monitoring: the case for centralized solutions

Operational Technology (OT) systems form the backbone of critical infrastructure across various industries, ranging from manufacturing plants and utilities to transportation networks and financial institutions. Unlike traditional Information Technology (IT) infrastructure, which primarily focuses on ...

Best Practices
Beyond Monitoring IT, the impact of OT in performance management

Operational Technology (OT) refers to the hardware and software systems used to monitor and control physical devices, processes, and infrastructure in industrial environments. Unlike Information Technology (IT), which focuses on data processing and communication, OT ...

Best Practices
Navigating the modern MSP landscape: trends and modernization strategies

The Managed Service Provider (MSP) industry is in the throes of profound transformation, catalyzed by rapid advancements in technology, shifts in the global economy, and demanding customer expectations. In the ever-evolving landscape of Managed Service ...

Best Practices
Monitoring OT With Raspberry Pi and Centreon

It might be a little late to pick raspberries, but it’s never too late to start monitoring operational technologies, such as SCADA. And it’s now easier than ever:  Centreon 23.10 lets you monitor your industrial ...

Best Practices
Centreon AIOps Extension: How AI in Monitoring Can Skyrocket IT Operations Team Productivity

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making headlines for several months, often featuring the instantly famous ChatGPT. But away from the projectors, AI is quietly taking its place in our daily lives, and is now integrated ...

Best Practices
7 Essential Monitoring Best Practices for Extended IT Visibility

IT monitoring plays a crucial role in the efficient management of today’s hybrid IT infrastructures. With the growing complexity of IT environments, it is essential to adopt good monitoring practices to guarantee extended visibility and ...

Best Practices
Extending visibility to hybrid IT for optimized digital performance

Accelerated digital transformation has reshaped IT landscapes, challenging IT departments and ITOps teams to attain unprecedented visibility into their IT estate.  Digital performance, which is closely linked to the overall success of organizations, relies on ...

Best Practices
SD-WAN: What If You Actually Switched to Monitoring?

Many organizations have implemented SD-WAN to enhance performance and connectivity. Yet, it rarely offers optimal visibility into all performance improvement levers. Here’s how to improve SD-WAN monitoring. According to IDC predictions, global spending on SD-WAN ...

Best Practices
Monitoring digital performance: The Combined Benefits of ITIM and DEM

ITIM, DEM… Who cares about acronyms today? What organizations want is to monitor all aspects of digital performance. Although IT infrastructure monitoring (ITIM) and digital experience monitoring (DEM) used to be separate areas, they are ...

Best Practices
Telecommuting: The Conditions for Maximum Productivity

Maintaining the productivity of telecommuting employees is a major challenge. While this new way of working has helped maintain business continuity during the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations are now seeking ways to retain a proven model ...

Best Practices
ITIM and DEM: a Power Couple for Digital Performance & Observability

Together we are stronger, goes the popular saying, and it’s true of the powerful association between ITIM and DEM. This blog post looks at the added value to digital performance and business observability brought by ...

Best Practices
Self-Hosted IT Monitoring: Does it Still Make Sense in this Cloud Era?

Answering this question from the perspective of TCO, high availability, and security. Historically, IT monitoring software was deployed within organizations in an on-premised, self-hosted fashion. But the rising popularity—and affordability—of cloud hosting brought many IT ...

Best Practices
Using DEM to Ensure Constant SaaS Application Performance

Performance, whether business or technical, is vital to any organization. And yet, SaaS performance is often overlooked, despite being a key factor to team efficiency and employee well-being. This blog post reviews some of the ...

Best Practices
How Can Digital Experience Monitoring Help Your ITOps and business Teams?

Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) is an adjacent area to infrastructure monitoring which focuses on measuring and optimizing the end-user experience with IT service. DEM looks at multiple facets of digital experience across a range of ...

Best Practices
Extending IT Infrastructure Monitoring with DEM: Should You Care?

Ever feel like you’re stuck between irate users reporting IT service issues and IT teams frustrated by their limited ability to see what’s really going on beyond infrastructure? This blog post is for you, asking ...

Best Practices
SaaS IT Monitoring TCO: Enabling Innovation with the Cloud

Meet Dennis, an IT manager shopping for a SaaS IT monitoring solution. Dennis wants his IT team to benefit from the ease of access cloud enables. But comparing license costs between the SaaS and self-hosted ...

Best Practices
Why you need a hybrid IT monitoring solution

Hybrid IT combines various cloud services, private or public, with other types of on-premises or edge IT infrastructure. This computing strategy is changing how ITOps think about IT infrastructure monitoring. The focus is on a ...

Best Practices
Saas IT monitoring vs. self-hosted? Can TCO help make the best choice?

SaaS IT monitoring is becoming the new norm, although traditionally, IT monitoring platforms were deployed on premises, in self-hosted fashion. Now, where does your organization stand in the SaaS IT monitoring vs. self-hosted debate? Even ...

Best Practices
Integrating Network Assurance and IT Infrastructure Monitoring for stronger networks

It’s Monday morning, and John, a network engineer, is struggling with customers complaining about network issues. Yet no alerts are showing in the monitoring tool. What’s going on here? You may suggest John solves his ...

Best Practices
ITOps 2023 Trends: Emphasis on Capacity Building

What’s in store for ITOps in 2023? Despite budget restrictions and much higher expectations, the news may be good for ITOps this year. Why? Because the smart way out for CIOs is to build ITOps ...

Best Practices
IT monitoring for 2023: Making ITOps reach their most ambitious new year resolutions

We’re jumping into 2023 full of hope, which for ITOps means less IT downtime, more flexibility and productivity, a deeper UX understanding, an observable business, and, of course, sustainable operations. Wishful thinking? No! This is ...

Best Practices
4 criteria to select an IT monitoring tool that will boost digital performance

The world is changing and so are monitoring tools. Back in the days when IT was more technical than strategic, IT monitoring tools consisted mostly in alert management. Today, sophisticated IT monitoring solutions play a ...

Best Practices
A Look at Gartner Technology Trends 2023

Gartner recently issued its technology trends for 2023 – and it’s always exciting to take a look forward. While these high level 2023 technology trends may not materialize overnight in the daily life of ITOps, ...

Best Practices
Planning for Sustainable and Cost-effective IT Infrastructure

Which cloud infrastructure and related innovations will help I&O leaders adapt to an inflationary economy while improving sustainability and staying competitive? This blog post provides an overview of key trends informing the planning for sustainable ...

Best Practices
Open Source or Paid IT Monitoring: Which Should It Be?

When it comes to IT monitoring, an incredible diversity of solutions is available. The first broad choice is between an open source or a paid IT monitoring solution. Aside from their development  approach, their acquisition ...

Best Practices
TCO: The key to choosing an IT monitoring tool

When the time comes to shop for a new IT monitoring solution, you probably drafted a list of criteria to inform the final selection, based on the specs obtained from various stakeholders. How better can ...

Best Practices
Energy Saving Tips for ITOps

ITOps are being tapped on the shoulder to contribute more to the organization’s efforts to save up on energy. Whether it’s to meet sustainability goals, reduce costs, or face pressing geopolitical imperatives, ITOps have at ...

Best Practices
Three ways to reduce IT monitoring costs

The war in Ukraine and the global rise of inflation have compounding effects on the global economy, which was just starting to recover from the pandemic.  In that context, the topic of cost reduction becomes ...

Best Practices
Is Centreon an Observability Solution?

Is Centreon an observability solution? The very short answer is yes— with a twist. More context is required to accurately answer this question, which is what this blog post will provide. The fact is, digital ...

Best Practices
Agent-d vs. agentless monitoring: what to choose for 2022 and beyond

Agent-based vs. agentless monitoring—which one is best today? The agent vs. agentless question is not exactly new. You may have decided years ago which to use and for what, but considering the speed at which ...

Best Practices
Observability for DevOps

As IT Monitoring specialists, why are we part of the observability for DevOps conversation? Simply because DevOps have special needs in terms of observability and therefore, they are key customers for IT monitoring. This blog ...

Best Practices
Connect Centreon with ip-label’s Ekara for enhanced user experience monitoring

We were recently announcing our partnership with ip-label, the digital experience measurement solution provider. Not resting on our laurels, we got to work and developed a Plugin Pack which makes Centreon connect with Ekara, ip-label’s ...

Best Practices
A primer on monitoring cloud infrastructure

The cloud is a staple of digital environments, and monitoring cloud infrastructure is therefore an inescapable reality for ITOps, including IT production directors, application owners, and cloud architects. Cloud monitoring enables observability into cloud-based infrastructure, ...

Best Practices
Should we integrate IT monitoring with IT Operations tools?

Why stop in one place when you can take a much more satisfying journey? In this era of digital enablement, IT monitoring should not stop at checking the health and availability of services. Today, IT ...

Best Practices
User authentication for your IT monitoring solution—keeping it secure & simple

The Centreon software is no exception: to gain access, users need to provide credentials so they can be authenticated. That’s how you protect the security and the integrity of your system. But authentication can also ...

Best Practices
What Makes the Best Cloud Monitoring Solution

Beyond cool features and capabilities, the best cloud monitoring solution is one that will equip you to face some of the most transformative cloud computing challenges over the next few years: intensified cloud migration, mind-numbing ...

Best Practices
Observability vs Monitoring

We’re often asked: “What is observability vs. monitoring?” The short answer? IT monitoring contributes to observability, but it is not the same as observability. This blog post not only helps you distinguish monitoring from observability, ...

Best Practices
A Technical Perspective on Enabling Business Observability

We were recently discussing the capabilities and features in a monitoring solution that enable a business observability strategy. But now the most important question is, how do you activate these capabilities to take your IT ...

Best Practices
AIOps for IT Monitoring: What to Expect Today and Tomorrow

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies are being applied across a wide range of applications, from entertainment to healthcare to transportation … and of course, IT operations, which gave us AIOps. But concretely, ...

Best Practices
Observability Capabilities and Features

We were recently writing about the pillars of a business observability strategy. We saw that a good observability strategy is built around the business goals for the IT system. But now what? You’re in charge ...

Best Practices
Auto-discovery and IT monitoring: Going beyond the basics

Network discovery tools are not newcomers in monitoring platforms. But in recent years, and even more so in 2022, discovery capabilities are being reinforced to better meet needs relating to infrastructure hybridization and the new ...

Best Practices
Pillars of an Observability Strategy

This is part of a blog series on enabling business observability. It’s a common shortcut to think that observability is a capacity you add to your system, while to be more exact, it’s a capacity ...

Best Practices
Top 2022 IT trends that will make IT monitoring count even more

As the year closes, let’s take a leap forward, looking at the top 2022 IT trends and what they mean for teams that rely on IT monitoring to ensure the digital business works optimally. This ...

Best Practices
Resolutions for 2022— 5 keys to making IT monitoring a true DX enabler for the new year

You know the drill: It’s a brand-new year, and you’ve got to make some resolutions. OK, you might not keep them all, like that time you said you’d cut down on Nutella. New year resolutions ...

Best Practices
IT Monitoring, Green IT & Sustainable Operations -Perspectives from the C-Suite.

As the sun sets on COP26, it’s to be hoped the topic of green IT will not be obscured by a return to business-as-usual. Green IT is a key component of greenhouse-gas emission reduction efforts. ...

Best Practices
Enabling Business Observability — What does it take?

As we were recently defining business observability, we now come to this important question: What does it take to enable business observability? We’ve seen that observability has to be understood in a continuum that starts ...

Best Practices
What Is Observability — And Why You Should Care

Observability is often positioned as something that will replace ITOps monitoring, when on the contrary the need for observability makes it more relevant than ever to build a strong, comprehensive and business-centered monitoring platform. This ...

Best Practices
MSP: 4 levers to create customer value using your IT monitoring solution

As an MSP, you operate in a highly competitive market. At Centreon, we believe that with the help of smart monitoring, MSPs will no longer have to choose between improving productivity, creating high value-added services ...

Best Practices
How accelerated digitalization is making MSPs rethink their business

The digital revolution did not change your mission as a Managed Service Provider (MSP): Ensuring your clients’ IT systems are available and productive, through offering an array of customized managed services. From network monitoring to ...

Best Practices
IT monitoring: no business observability stack without connected monitoring

The world is changing, and so are ITOps! I&O specialists are increasingly implementing new “best practices” in order to gradually lead their organization and their IT tools towards business observability, ensuring business performance. In this ...

Best Practices
Automation: Connected Monitoring’s Secret Sauce

In increasingly hybrid environments, monitoring requires a high level of interconnection to ensure the highest visibility on the performance of IT services supporting the business. This is why IT automation has become an essential part ...

Best Practices
Hey Centreon! I want to interconnect with the rest of my stack.

In order to monitor IT service performance and ensure operational excellence, ITOps in the digital enterprise need to have a holistic view over their IT system, from cloud to edge, as well as IoT and ...

Best Practices
Connected Monitoring to Enable Holistic, Cloud to Edge Visibility

One of the main attributes of IT monitoring is its ability to adapt to major changes in IT systems and to provide a virtuous loop of visibility over every component in these IT systems, from ...

Best Practices
How Can CIOs Demonstrate IT Value to Business? (And How Can IT Monitoring Help?)

In digital organizations, collaboration between IT and lines of business is intensifying. Lines of business need to understand IT, while IT teams need to gain strong awareness on how the business creates value, so they ...

Best Practices
Designing a Connected ITOps Monitoring Experience

We recently discussed the keys to a connected ITOps monitoring experience. This is a short list to recap how you can design the type of ITOps monitoring experience that will sustain effective collaboration, shorten incident ...

Best Practices
Connected Monitoring: Your Path to Observability

I&O practitioners are adopting new technologies in their organization’s transition towards business observability. They are leaving behind legacy, disconnected ITOps monitoring practices and solutions to build an observability stack that matches their digital organization’s means ...

Best Practices
Preparing the future of IT monitoring: how can you set up your IT system for sustainable growth

The criticality of IT monitoring in organizations should not be underestimated, and it is not. Its role is crucial in ensuring availability, reliability and compliance of IT equipment and data. It goes far beyond merely ...

Best Practices
4 Levels of Integration for Next Gen, connected IT Ops monitoring

With digital business transformation and a mandate to improve operational excellence, I&O leaders are betting on integration to support 2021’s most important initiatives. Building from their core mission, the delivery of quality and always-on IT ...

Best Practices
Connected Monitoring: Monitor your Blockchain with Centreon

Co-authored by Simon Bomm from Centreon and Nicolas Heulot from IRT SystemX whom we warmly thank. — Blockchain technology now extends well beyond the scope of finance. Enterprises are forming consortia to deploy common blockchain ...

Best Practices
Why blockchain technology calls for connected monitoring

Many thanks to Nicolas Heulot from IRT SystemX for this great content, and Simon Bomm from Centreon. — Today, blockchain technology is a mainstream topic. It’s been talked about in the media, most often in ...

Best Practices
Connected IT Monitoring is Key to Next Generation of ITOps Monitoring

Just as seamlessly as you navigate the web, you should be able to “surf” the full length of the IT estate, no matter the technologies that comprise it. This smooth surfing is called Connected Monitoring, ...

Best Practices
5 Trends for a New ITOps Roadmap in 2021

While telecommuting will continue to shape your reality this year, it doesn’t mean you’re not going places in 2021. This blog post looks at some ITOps trends that are calling for a new roadmap to ...

Best Practices
5 stats that show Business KPIs still pose a major challenge in IT monitoring

Over the years, ITOps have seen monitoring become increasingly strategic for the business. The reason is simple: business relies on IT. No IT means no business. Centreon’s State of IT Monitoring has highlighted the fact ...

Best Practices
Unified IT monitoring: Liftoff to holistic and never look back

The State of IT Monitoring, a survey commissioned by Centreon has highlighted the ever-growing importance of IT monitoring in organizations between now and 2023. It also pinpoints the need for ITOps to change their monitoring ...

Best Practices
IT budget: 4 arguments to fight for your IT monitoring budget in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic!

We can’t deny the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted IT trends worldwide. The acceleration of digital transformation and telecommuting have prompted organizations to review their I&O strategies to adapt to the changing needs of both customers ...

Best Practices
Post-COVID-19 Digital Workplaces Will Need Smart IT Tools

We’re (almost) done with 2020. It will be remembered for the pandemic—but also for accelerating the transition from IT systems to smart digital mesh. ITOps will also remember 2020 as the year they needed their ...

Best Practices
How to Assess IT Monitoring Maturity

We recently had a panel of 200 IT professionals assess their IT monitoring maturity using our online assessment tool, and on average, they found themselves about midway on their transition to modern IT monitoring aka ...

Best Practices
IT monitoring is the new long-term strategic priority for digital businesses and here’s why

The 1st edition of State of IT Monitoring, a research  by Centreon and Vanson Bourne confirms the strategic importance of IT monitoring in corporate governance. This trend, which has accelerated since the beginning of the ...

Best Practices
Match the Digital Journey with a Smart Monitoring Journey

Let’s play the matching game! In this post we draw a parallel between your business infinite digital journey and your own journey towards smart monitoring, the unique approach to master present and future IT complexity. ...

Best Practices
State of IT monitoring: IT monitoring, now an essential part of corporate governance

Centreon carried out its first State of IT monitoring with the assistance of independent firm Vanson Bourne. Collecting responses from  600 IT professionals in Europe and North America, the survey confirms the strategic importance of ...

Best Practices
ITOps at Work: Building a Modern IT Monitoring House for 2021

If 2020 was a rocky year that made you think, “Let’s do things better next year,” here’s an interesting project for 2021: building a modern IT monitoring house. As IT monitoring pursues its transformation to ...

Best Practices
MSPs: 3 growth opportunities driven by Smart Monitoring to win the digital experience race

In a fast-changing environment and reduced time-to-market context, MSPs are facing a new challenge: supporting their clients in their strategic shift towards the digital enterprise while continuing to do their job well. So is the ...

Best Practices
Connecting Centreon to PagerDuty: the best way for your teams to benefit from PagerDuty

In a world where IT is evolving at breakneck speed, it is essential for IT monitoring to provide a holistic view over infrastructure, whether on-premise, in the Cloud or the Edge. To increase visibility, it ...

Best Practices
IT Monitoring: Digitalization Blindspots & Near Death Experiences

Digital transformation is a hot topic that triggers countless conversations on a range of technological adoption and capabilities. But one often overlooked aspect comes with dire consequences. The very ability to manage the complexity of ...

Best Practices
The Best IT Monitoring Solutions Are Cost-Efficiency Tools

It’s natural to think of cost effectiveness as “less.” But in that “less” there’s in fact an opportunity to get more. Cost optimizing often leads to more innovation and more performance. Take this as proof: ...

Best Practices
Customer experience: 6 not-to-be-missed Smart Monitoring trends this year

Transforming one’s monitoring practices to meet the demands of customer experience and to achieve business goals is (very) much in style these days. But don’t get it wrong. This fundamental trend is prompting I&O to ...

Best Practices
Out with Device-Centric Monitoring!

2020 is the perfect year to push for change. There’s an urgency to remove digitalization roadblocks, and ITOps are being challenged to play a larger part in organizational performance. More than ever, they are being ...

Best Practices
Back to the future… in 2030

“Say Mommy, say Daddy, what was IT monitoring like before Smart Monitoring? “ You’ve probably heard about dystopian novels, such as The Handmaid’s Tale, which propel the hero into an alternative reality or future? Let’s ...

Best Practices
The ABC & D of Monitoring in Times of Innovation

Adopting new technology is exciting. Brave new possibilities are opening for the business, and I&O teams rejoice in the promise of streamlined processes. Oh, but wait, the new project does come with some challenges. One ...

Best Practices
Ebook: IT Monitoring has superpowers… and so do you

While IT monitoring originates as far back as IT itself does, for a long time its scope was limited to technical monitoring and to Production and Infrastructure teams. However, with business and IT being inevitably ...

Best Practices
New IT monitoring challenges: are you customer-centric ready?

After many years of being just buzz words, new technology – Artificial Intelligence (AI) the Cloud or IoT – have made their way into businesses and have become an operational reality. The digital revolution has ...

Best Practices
Interfacing Netdata with Centreon: your new ally to monitor the status of your Linux servers in real time

Monitoring Linux servers, which are used to host business applications as well as e-commerce sites, has become a key point in the operational excellence of a company’s IT system. Being familiar with response time, number ...

Best Practices
A Framework for Assessing IT Monitoring Modernization

You’re attending a cocktail party, and someone comes by asking, “How modern is your IT monitoring?” OK, little chance of that happening. But if you’re fielding complaints from users noticing service issues before IT does, ...

Best Practices
5 Essential Questions on the Cost of IT Monitoring

It’s cost review season! IT monitoring is in itself an activity that helps control costs through continuous performance analytics, but today it’s time to check if you’re overspending on IT monitoring tools. IT monitoring pricing ...

Best Practices
7 Signs it’s time to optimize your IT monitoring investments

Few ITOps specialists wake up at night thinking of the up to 301 different IT monitoring tools, proprietary or open source, that are part of the average IT estate. But what if they did? Cleaning ...

Best Practices
Understanding the Value of Holistic IT Monitoring

We just published a report, Best Practices for IT Monitoring, that explores how to make IT monitoring more efficient and relevant to a business. It’s based on unbiased Centreon reviews taken from IT Central Station. ...

Best Practices
Post-COVID-19 Recovery: Managing Innovation & Cost Optimization from the Back-End Up

This blog looks at the post-COVID business rebuilding efforts from the lens of digital performance and ITOps. No industry or business was left untouched by the COVID-19 pandemic. The very DNA of business changed as ...

Best Practices
Automation to the rescue: Monitoring all IT domains instantly

We were recently discussing the advantage of instant IT monitoring through ready to use integration packages, or connectors. Here’s a list of the range of connector types you can use to monitor your full IT ...

Best Practices
The role of connectors in smart IT infrastructure monitoring

Everyone used to agree that: an IT monitoring perimeter is a pain to keep up to date. But today, this is a myth. Connectors, often called “plugins,” do all the heavy lifting, ensuring instant, comprehensive ...

Best Practices
How to prepare for AIOps—even if you’re not there yet

Reading the future is certainly the most difficult requirement on your job description. For many organizations, AIOps still bring more questions than they can answer. When and how should you adopt AIOps (or Artificial Intelligence ...

Best Practices
Monitoring Azure VPN Gateway with Centreon

Monitoring Azure VPN Gateway with Centreon: from Cloud to Edge, towards holistic monitoring of your IT infrastructure. As we have seen in previous articles, Cloud monitoring is a reality which requires having a global vision ...

Best Practices
5 benefits of adding user experience to your IT monitoring

Centreon 20.04 integrates a new connector for Maltem Insight Performance (MIP), enabling the collection of user experience KPIs. In this blog post, Marion Dussarrat, Marketing Manager from Maltem explains the benefits of adding user experience ...

Best Practices
Does MTTR still count today? Can it still be improved?

Yes and yes. IT infrastructure monitoring (some call it network monitoring) has evolved over the years to incorporate a focus on business performance, tracking the essential workflows that support the ability of a business to, ...

Best Practices
3 infrastructure best practices for the 2020s

The clock is ticking. IT monitoring that limits itself to measuring availability and resource levels will have lost most of its relevance in just a few years. This will limit the organization’s ability to innovate ...

Best Practices
How to use ITIM to make infrastructure and operations (I&O) more customer-centric

We’ve recently described what legacy IT infrastructure monitoring (ITIM) is and reviewed the risk of maintaining the status quo. By definition and purpose, the digital organization is focused on services and value, while I&O is ...

Best Practices
COVID-19: 7 Tips for Setting-Up Remote Work and Other Emergency Measures

At the outset of the pandemic, we quickly set up all of our employees for remote work and adapted our IT system so it could manage the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, including lockdowns happening ...

Best Practices
What is Legacy IT Monitoring?

If, like in a majority of organizations, your IT infrastructure has evolved towards a digitalized architecture (i.e., cloud, containers, microservices, containers), the time may be ripe to modernize your ITIM practices too. According to industry ...

Best Practices
Getting Ready for a New Decade of IT Innovation

The 2020s, age of the digital business, and how I&O organizations will be in need of a solid team player to make sense of their expanding digital ecosystem.  A shiny new decade is a good ...

Best Practices
IT Monitoring That Sells Burgers

The characteristics of modern infrastructure monitoring, as simple and business-worthy as the customer experience it supports.  Ordering fast food is a fairly simple customer experience, if you know what you want to eat. Yet, clicking ...

Best Practices
3 Steps to Jumpstart IT Performance

Follow the Workflow: Reframing the ITIM Conversation Great IT makes for great business. Everybody now takes this for granted—but maybe not deeply enough. It’s one thing to invest in the latest tools and tech, quite ...

Best Practices
Monitoring Virtual Machines: Tips from an Open Source Pro

Guest Blog When it comes to mastering the monitoring and overall management of virtual machines, ITOps need choices that match their needs. Our software suite, Centreon EMS delivers plug and play unified views and interoperability, ...

Best Practices
How to Troubleshoot TCP Performance for Your SaaS and Cloud Applications

Guest article From time to time, we like to ask our partners to share their ITOp expertise and best practices with you. Today, Boris Rogier Director of Business Development at Accedian discusses TCP performance for ...

Best Practices
Dealing With Outdated IT—And Being OK With It

“Obsolete” is no one’s favorite word (unless you sell new tech). Yet, we all have to deal with it at some point in the digital transformation journey. There are countless reasons to cling to outdated ...

Best Practices
Fresh Outlook: Monitoring for Infrastructure Diversity

Tired of hearing the word “hybrid?” This blog post takes a closer look at what actually hides behind the notion of hybrid infrastructure: a new paradigm of infrastructure (or digital) diversity. Why should you care? ...

Best Practices
8 rules you’ll love for finding your ideal IT monitoring solution

Your IT tools have been through it all with you. Secret weapon, faithful companion and right arm; they’ve seen you through the greatest IT challenges. To help you choose an IT infrastructure monitoring solution that ...

Best Practices
Give Everyone a View on Business-Critical IT Performance

Let’s set the stage with what we know already: in the digital economy, an organization’s performance is entirely dependent on the smooth operations of its IT system. How are employees expected to do their job ...

Best Practices
Making the Case for ITOM Decentralization

Although your role is to enable the creation of value, value is not necessarily created in the traditional brick and mortar of just your office. Value is created where your end-users work. More often than ...

Best Practices
Spelling RESILIENCE One Location at a Time

Here’s a question to which we can now provide a pleasant answer: Should building resiliency into an IT system require heavy investment in resources, like expensive, new infrastructure or hiring a larger team of IT ...

Best Practices
Lost in the Quest for Agility: Local Empowerment

Like 99.9% of businesses managing extensive, mission-critical systems, your organization has embarked on a never-ending quest for agility, invoking the magic password: STREAMLINE. Everyone’s in on the race to streamline operations and processes to lower ...

Best Practices
Follow the Data Stream Beyond Monitoring: Introducing Centreon Stream Connectors

Let’s first catch up on previous episodes. You’ve discovered that Centreon does not stop at monitoring individual elements that make up your IT system infrastructure. To your relief, Centreon provides the real time, top-level view ...

Best Practices
Business-Aware IT Visibility: What You See Is What You Share

From humble beginnings, IT infrastructure and application monitoring has become a hot topic at every level of the company. Why? Because what you see on monitoring screen is now information business leaders need you to ...

Best Practices
Good Practices: 4 Post Implementation to Maintain Your IT Monitoring System

So you’re done with the deployment of your IT monitoring system. It’s been carefully designed, configured, and implemented. A bright new era of active monitoring is starting. But is it really the end of the ...

Best Practices
Centreon Plugin Packs catalog: what does it contain?

The Centreon Plugin Packs allows to quickly deploy the monitoring of your information system. With more than 240 Plugin Packs – in the Enterprise Plugin Pack edition – the catalog can meet the requirements of ...

Best Practices
Integrating Centreon with ServiceNow Event Management

This is the second of a serie of two blog posts discussing how to integrate the Centreon solution with ServiceNow. In the first post, we showed how to create incident tickets directly from the Centreon ...

Best Practices
AIOps, ITSM and IT Automation integration with Centreon IT Monitoring

Centreon is the european leader for commercial open-source IT Infrastructure Monitoring solutions. Many key assets contribute to this success, one of which we want to discuss in this blog post: the solution seamlessly integrates in ...

Best Practices
4 simple rules to implement Good Monitoring

What’s critical for small ITOM teams is the need to be operational with the shortest time-to-monitoring (TTM) possible. The solution their business-savvy IT managers will want to choose has to be easily accessible and ready ...

Best Practices
How to keep an eye on your VMWare infrastructure’s health?

This is our second post about monitoring VMWare infrastructures. In how to monitor your VMWare infrastructure, published last Nov. 13th, we focused on how to use the Plugin Packs to easily collect data from your ...

Best Practices
Industry-grade IT monitoring in a robust open source platform

From an early purpose of making Nagios® easier to use and manage, Centreon has since grown into its own as a robust industry-grade monitoring platform for any digital and IT-savvy company. System administrators, network engineers, ...

Best Practices
Connecting ServiceNow to your Centreon platform

This post is the first one in a series of two posts describing how Centreon can interface to ServiceNow. Today we’re discussing incident management. Integrating IT Monitoring with IT Service Management The IT Monitoring platform ...

Best Practices
Immediate broad & deep monitoring thanks to Centreon EPP

Centreon Enterprise Plugin Packs (EPP) is THE answer. Addressing over 265 domains (and still counting), wide and deep monitoring coverage of major operating systems, equipment, servers, applications, software protocols and services become fast and painless ...

Best Practices
Centreon BAM has a completely automatic maintenance period inheritance feature

Available since Centreon 3.4, Centreon BAM 3.5.0 has a completely new automatic maintenance period inheritance feature. Scheduled downtimes, which are essential to the monitoring process, are now automatically taken into account in real time when ...

Best Practices
Failing the implementation of your monitoring solution (guaranteed): the 10 most common errors

Monitoring has been part of the IT landscape for a long time and we often forget that deploying a monitoring solution needs to follow precise rules.  Due to the fact that a large number of ...

Best Practices
Did you know? Centreon 3.4 has native monitoring plugin

Since Centreon 3., users work with the Centreon Plugin Packs system. Contrary to the previous classic technical plugins, the Centreon Plugin Packs are ready-to-use. They combine monitoring plugins and pre-configurations (control + model + macro), ...

Best Practices
Monitoring – The right way & right away thanks to Centreon ProServices

Deploying Centreon in an extensive multi-system monitoring operation? Migrating from Nagios/FAN, similar open source tools or early versions of Centreon? Require specific adaptation or development expertise? Simply need help with a Proof of Concept (PoC)? ...

Best Practices
8 key advantages for I&O teams & their business stakeholders

Centreon EMS is Centreon’s full enterprise solution, designed to take IT infrastructure, systems and network performance monitoring to a whole new level of relevance for business operations. Here are 8 obvious reasons for Centreon EMS. ...

Best Practices
8 criteria for choosing your IT monitoring tool, or how to switch from love at first sight to a long-term relationship!

A love affair is burgeoning between you and your monitoring tool. It’s a relationship that should be steady and long term, quite simply because it’s going to be your everyday partner for a long time. ...

Best Practices
5 excellent reasons to adopt Centreon TechSupport

Guaranteeing the availability of IT monitoring is no longer a debate. IT teams know it, as they also understand the importance of monitoring their IT resources. Investing in support saves valuable time and limits incident-related ...

Best Practices
Monitoring projects: defining the scope, a key success factor that shouldn’t be overlooked

Good news. You’ve decided to set up a monitoring project. You’ve asked the right questions before starting and now you need to move forward to the next step: defining the scope of the project. As ...

Best Practices
Improve your Time-To-Monitoring with Centreon Plugin Packs

Centreon, our robust open source monitoring platform is functionally complete and ready to use at no cost. However, to launch Centreon into a specific IT infrastructure, probes need to be developed and integrated to extract ...

Best Practices
Monitoring peace of mind with developer-backed technical support

As part of Centreon’s software provider family, Centreon TechSupport (CTS) has seen and worked on the simplest problems to the most complicated of issues in its application. CTS gets right to the heart of the ...

Best Practices
6 good reasons to monitor

Here are 6 good reasons to monitor. 1-Real-time visibility of your IS and targeted informations Real-time control of IS and its components and dashboards adapted to user profiles for performance monitoring.  2-Decrease of IT service ...

Best Practices
5 topics to consider before launching a monitoring project

Through experience, we know that many monitoring projects start when an intern arrives in the company (it’s even how Centreon was born) and is put under the orders of an overworked “adminsys” who follows the ...

Best Practices
Contribution management and feedback to contributors

As you know, Centreon is an open source solution. The software sources therefore remain open and accessible on development platforms such as GitHub. Under the license applied to Centreon sources, you can all read them, ...

Best Practices
The preconceived ideas about monitoring we would like to see the back of (because they’re 10 years out of date …)

Between the fans, those who find the subject complex, and those who only have a limited use for it, monitoring is still too often the victim of preconceived ideas from the turn of the century. ...

Best Practices
How can you use your IT monitoring indicators to provide a business view? 4 questions to Etienne Gautier

The digital revolution has resulted in Business management having massively computerized tools to work with, leading to a large number of questions on a daily basis. How can these users get the answers to questions ...

Best Practices
What if your IT monitoring tools let you give your users more autonomy?

Monitoring tools are above all intended for IT professionals so that they can secure and automate their information system monitoring. But not only…

Best Practices
Best Practices: 5 good reasons to opt for an IT monitoring software program which interfaces with your information system

Openness and interoperability have become undeniable key criteria for many IT decision-makers. Monitoring has not escaped this trend. Choosing an IT monitoring tool capable of easily communicating in almost real-time with an information system is ...

Best Practices
You like Nagios? You will love Centreon!

When presenting our open-source IT Monitoring solution we’re often asked about how we position ourselves against Nagios®. After all, we started as a company in 2005 by developing an open-source web interface to the then-leading ...

Best Practices
Best practices: 10 good reasons to use IT monitoring data with dedicated BI tool

IT monitoring tools allow ISD to collect a large amount of data, on a continuous-flow basis. These data are mainly used to make equipment and infrastructure monitoring easier. They also represent a valuable source of ...

Best Practices
BEST PRACTICES: how your IT monitoring system can help you to reduce the number of calls to the helpdesk?

With an IT monitoring system implementation, the IT department easily collects data on the status and availability of its various IT equipment. The graphic visualisation of collected data, combined with modeling applications status for each ...